Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Reading Tip And Other Stuff

In the helpful book Relational Masks (Intervarsity Press, 2004) Christian counselor Russell Willingham identifies 6 masks that keep us from relating freely, openly, and honestly to God and other persons. He also discusses several core beliefs that underlie and undergird these impaired emotional identities. This is a short, easy-to-read, practical work that would be beneficial to people helpers as well as individuals seeking to understand themselves better.

Watched the Democratic presidential candidates' debate from Philadelphia on MSNBC last night. I thought Hillary managed to do well against Barack Obama and John Edwards, but she hedged and bluffed her way through Tim Russert's questions about her quarantined papers from her husband's administration in the 1990's. I was most impressed with John Edwards. I do enjoy hearing Joe Biden talk, though. Some good, smart communicators in this group but I just can't swallow their philosophy.

Vicki bumped into the refrigerator last night. Got her foot x-rayed this morning...she fractured it and broke 2 toes.

Was reminded by Wade Burleson's blog that today is Reformation Day, celebrating Martin Luther's nailing of the 95 Theses to that church door in Germany so many years ago, the event that launched the Protestant Reformation. We are greatly indebted to Luther. I wonder how many people will think about that with all the Halloween hoopla going on?

And speaking of Halloween, I don't think that this day should be viewed as wholly devoted to darkness and paganism. Sometimes we Christians can get a little obsessive about that. Halloween can be a time for celebrating fun and children and can be a time for outreach projects and emphasizing light and joy. Costuming, if not sinister, can simply be an expression of a good time among friends. It should go without saying, however, that dabbling in the occult realm is forbidden...and extremely dangerous(Deuteronomy 18:10-12).